RACP Online Learning
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians is dedicated to delivering quality online education. All RACP online learning resources are eligible for CPD hours.
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Resource CategoriesCurated Collections
These learning resource guides are based on the contributions and peer review of RACP Fellows and other experts. Each guide presents the most relevant key readings, courses, web resources and tools on a specific topic.
Educational Video LibrariesThe RACP’s Educational Video Libraries house extensive collections of powerful and engaging educational videos including lectures, webinars, interviews, and scenarios based on real physician experiences.
Handbooks and CurriculaRACP online interactive Handbooks and Curricula have been designed to help trainees and Fellows navigate requirements and readily access useful information and resources.
Live Moderated CoursesLearn amongst your peers by enrolling in one of our live moderated courses. Obtain support and feedback from moderators as you progress through a course. Discuss cases and scenarios with other physicians and trainees while reflecting on your own practice.
Pomegranate Health PodcastPomegranate Health presents compelling stories about medicine and society: how doctors make difficult ethical and clinical decisions, how they can communicate with patients and how health delivery can be made more equitable.
Self-paced Online CoursesRACP self-paced online courses are designed to be adaptable, so you can dip in and out, or just complete the parts that are relevant to you.
Featured resources
Featured MyCPD tools
Time spent on all RACP online learning resources can be counted towards your CPD requirements. Access the MyCPD Handbook for more information and resources.
Online Learning Showreel
Watch this short showreel for a preview of some of our powerful and engaging educational videos. These videos have been developed to support members with their lifelong learning and professional development needs and cover a range of clinical and professional topics.
You’ll find them on Medflix and throughout our self-paced online courses. -
What's coming?
We're developing brand new resources for you!
Self-paced online courseClinical Neuropsychology
Self-paced online courseManaging Cognitive Impairment, Cognitive Disability and Neurodiversity
Self-paced online courseClimate Change and Health
Contact us
If you need assistance with Online Learning, please contact us using the form below.
For all other enquiries, please visit our Contact us page