Enrolment options

Release date: December 2024
Estimated completion time*: 1-1.5 hrs

This resource is intended to support you to successfully navigate your transition from Basic to Advanced Training and prepare for unsupervised practice as a Specialist Physician. It’s a 'one-stop shop' that you can return to if you ever want to find a useful resource, or need a refresher on the supporting resources, policies and systems available to you.

*The estimated completion time is an approximate guide and does not account for time spent on optional additional readings and activities.

Course Details Enter Course

Tags: Category 1 Educational activities

  1. Introduction
  2. Transition to Advanced Training
  3. Training and assessment
  4. Trainee support
  5. Specialty-specific resources
  6. Looking ahead
  7. Conclusion
Version 1
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)