Training program requirements summary
Training program requirements summary
Modified 2025 assessment program requirements
Responding to feedback from our educators that more time is needed to gain familiarity with our new assessment tools and technology, we've opted for a gradual start for the number of assessment tools for 2025.
For 2025 only, the number of assessments that trainees are required to complete has been reduced to:
- 1 x learning capture every 3 months (4 total in 2025, reduced from 12)
- 1 x observation capture every 3 months (4 total in 2025, reduced from 12)
Rotation Progress Reports will not be available in the College’s new Training Management Platform until mid-2025. For rotations ending before June 2025, training settings can determine which progress reports are accepted locally. These manual progress reports are not required to be submitted to the College.
The learning, teaching, and assessment programs outlined below have been updated to reflect these changes.
Entry requirements
What do trainees need to do?
When do trainees need to do it?
1 training application
Trainees are to submit a training application using the College’s new Training Management Platform (TMP).
The training application:
- confirms trainees meet eligibility criteria
- identifies the Director of Paediatric Education who will oversee their training
- Prior to commencing training, at the start of the foundation phase.
- 28 February or 31 August
Prospective trainees can demonstrate…
Selection criteria
- A commitment and capability to pursuing a career as a physician or paediatrician.
- The ability to plan and manage their learning.
- The ability and willingness to achieve the Basic Training Competencies, particularly those associated with:
- Communication
- Cultural competence
- Ethics and professional behaviour
- Leadership, management, and teamwork.
Entry criteria
- A Basic Training position in an RACP-accredited training setting or network.
- General medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia if applying in Australia or a medical registration with a general scope of practice with the MCNZ if applying in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Learning program requirements
What do trainees need to do?
When do trainees need to do it?
Complete 36-months full-time equivalent (FTE) of clinical experience in a mix of approved training rotations.
See Clinical experience requirements for details
- In any sequence over the course of training.
1 rotation plan per training rotation
- At the start of each rotation
- Due 28 February for rotations in the first half of the year
- Due 31 August for rotations in the second half of the year.
- RACP Basic Training Orientation resource
- RACP Communication Skills resource
- RACP Australian Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori Cultural Competence resource
- RACP Ethics resource
- RACP Introduction to Leadership, Management, and Teamwork resource
- Advanced Paediatric Life Support course or equivalent.
Completion of RACP resources will automatically update in TMP.
For the Advanced Paediatric Life Support course (or equivalent), trainees are to submit their certificate of attendance via the Assessment requirements tab in TMP.
- RACP Basic Training Orientation resource to be completed within first six months of training.
- Other courses to be completed in any sequence over the course of training.
- Recommended completion in the Foundation phase.
Teaching program requirements
What do trainees need to do?
When do trainees need to do it?
The teaching program guides supervisors, assessors, and accredited training settings to plan and deliver teaching activities.
During their training, trainees are required to have named individuals or entities for the following supervision roles:
- Network Director (where a network exists only)
- Director of Paediatric Education
- Progress Review Panel
- Education Supervisor
- Rotation Supervisor
People may act in multiple supervision roles.
See Roles and responsibilites for details
- Each training rotation
Assessment program requirements
Each phase of training (each year)
What do trainees need to do?
When do trainees need to do it?
12 Learning captures (reduced to 4 for 2025 only)
- Minimum of one per month from the time onboarding into the new Basic Training programs is complete (For 2025 only, reduced to minimum of one every three months)
12 Observation captures (reduced to 4 for 2025 only)
- Minimum of one per month from the time onboarding into the new Basic Training programs is complete (For 2025 only, reduced to minimum of one every three months)
1 Rotation progress report per training rotation (minimum of one per three months)
Rotation Progress Reports will not be available in TMP until mid-2025. For rotations ending before June 2025, training settings can determine which progress reports are accepted locally. These manual progress reports are not required to be submitted to the College.
- At the end of each rotation
- For example:
- If a trainee undertakes five training rotations in the Foundation phase of training, they should complete five rotation progress reports (one per a rotation)
- If a trainee undertakes two 6-month training rotations in the Foundation phase of training, they should complete four rotation progress reports (one per three months)
2 Phase progress reports
- 1 mid phase report and 1 end-of-phase report
Once over the course of training
What do trainees need to do?
When do trainees need to do it?
1 Written Examination
- Early in Completion phase
1 Clinical Examination
- Mid-way through the Completion phase
The RACP has set these as the minimum requirements, though more work-based assessments are encouraged.
Directors of Paediatric Education and Education Supervisors may require some trainees to complete additional work-based assessments to help form a better picture of their progress.